Thursday, February 7, 2008

Karen Russell Class

Isn't it amazing to think that we have such a talented and famous scrapbook designer right here in Southern Oregon? For those of you that aren't familiar with Karen Russell, let me give you a brief history. She first came to the scrapbook industry as a CK Hall of Famer. Since then her work has been published in numerous books and magazines. She now designs her own line of products for Creative Imaginations and a line of stamps through Fontwerks. You can visit her blog to see more about her at It's been awhile since she's taught here at "The King," so we're pretty excited to have her teach her brand new class; "Interactive Scrapbooking," on March 8th. One of the most exciting things about this class is that she uses some of the really awesome products from Creative Cafe, and the only place you can buy Creative Cafe products in Southern Oregon is right here at our store. I'll include some photos of the projects on this post so that you can see exactly what the projects are like. In class you will create 2 one page layouts that have interactive elements and you will choose the color scheme that you would like to use. The cost of the class is $55, and it include $50 worth of product. We have only 10 spots left, so be sure to come in the store to sign-up and pick up a list of the photo size recommendations for the layouts.

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